
Mobile Cyber-Physical Intelligence Lab

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We actively seek Ph.D. candidates to join our innovative research team at the Mobile Cyber-physical Intelligence Laboratory (mCyPhi Lab) in the University of Montana, USA. If you are interested in exploring the areas of Mobile Healthcare, Biosensing Systems, Embedded Intelligent Systems, and Machine Learning, we have exciting opportunities waiting for you!

Students with either CS or ECE background are highly encouraged to apply.

Candidates are expected to possess the following qualifications:

  • A degree in Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, or a related field
  • Research experience
  • A strong background in programming skills, digital signal processing, sensing technology, and machine learning
  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving abilities
  • Ability to work both independently and collaboratively
  • Effective communication skills with IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL IBT 80
  • A strong passion for research

The following would be a big plus:

  • A Master’s degree from accredited colleges and universities
  • Research publications as the first author
  • Solid background in Math and/or Physics
  • Experience in cyber-physical system (CPS) development, hardware-software integration, and embedded system design
  • Practical experience in PCB circuit design and firmware and software development
  • Experience with data mining and practical implementation of Deep Learning libraries

Benefits of being a member of our lab:

  • Full support of tuition and stipend for your Ph.D. adventure
  • Full support of travel fee to attend conferences if you have accepted papers
  • Opportunities to publish and receive awards at top conferences
  • Opportunities to broaden your networking with experts and professors in the related field of research projects

The mCyPhi Lab is a vibrant and collaborative research environment dedicated to exploring the frontiers of technology in various domains. We currently run many projects in diverse topics ranging from human mental health (e.g., attention quantification in education), serious health problems (e.g., hearing damage prevention) to environmental study (e.g., wildlife study).

By joining our team, you will have access to state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge resources, and a supportive community of researchers and experts. Therefore, you will be well-prepared with a diverse and complete skill set in all theoretical modeling, device development, and system implementation. You will also acquire a broad knowledge of mobile sensing, mobile applications, biomedical engineering, healthcare systems, wearable computing, etc. You will also be trained with important skills such as problem formulation, oral presentation, technical writing, time management and planning, proposal writing, collaboration, and more, which are critical to your career’s future success in academia and industry.

Please refer to our publications to get a general understanding of my research topics. Please send your CV, transcripts, and TOEFL/IELTS to Dr. Anh Nguyen via anh {dot} nguyen {at} umontana {dot} edu if you are interested. Further discussion if selected for a remote interview.

We actively seek one (01) fully funded postdoctoral researcher in ECE to work on embedded intelligent systems, biosensing systems, and IoMT in our mCyPhI group at the University of Montana, USA. Both junior and experienced candidates will be considered for the position.


  • A PhD in EE, CE, or related areas
  • Documented expertise in:
    • Circuit design and firmware and software development
    • Cyber-physical system (CPS) development, hardware-software integration, and embedded system design
    • ML and DL models with a preference for digital signal processing, adaptive learning, and federated ML architectures
    • Hands-on programming skills in multiple languages
    • Ability/willingness to integrate within multidisciplinary research groups
    • Proven track record of publications in the relevant technical areas
    • Ability to properly report, organize, and publish research data
    • High motivation to learn
    • Good priority management
    • Ability to work in a challenging and international environment
    • Fluency in spoken and written English


  • Knowledge of healthcare system development, object simulation, and 3D printing design
  • Practical experience in sensing technologies
  • Team player skills with the ability to communicate technical knowledge in a clear and understandable manner


  • Competitive salary and benefits for US-instituted standards

The mCyPhi Lab is a vibrant and collaborative research environment dedicated to exploring the frontiers of technology in various domains. We currently run many projects in diverse topics ranging from human mental health (e.g., attention quantification in education), serious health problems (e.g., hearing damage prevention) to environmental study (e.g., wildlife study).

By joining our team, you will have access to state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge resources, and a supportive community of researchers and experts. Therefore, you will be well-prepared with a diverse and complete skill set in all theoretical modeling, device development, and system implementation. You will also acquire a broad knowledge of mobile sensing, mobile applications, biomedical engineering, healthcare systems, wearable computing, etc. You will also be trained with important skills such as problem formulation, oral presentation, technical writing, time management and planning, proposal writing, collaboration, and more, which are critical to your career’s future success in academia and industry.

The interested candidate must send an application package, including (1) a detailed CV with a full list of publications, plus a final section titled “Relevant skills” commenting on the strong points where your CV matches the required skills (listed above), and (2) name and contacts of 2 referees to Dr. Anh Nguyen via anh {dot} nguyen {at} umontana {dot} edu if you are interested. Further discussion if selected for a remote interview.